Invitation kick-off new NAP Special Interest Group Circularity April 16th

Invitation kick-off new NAP Special Interest Group Circularity April 16th

15 februari 2024 by Communicatie 4 comments


Dear member,

On April 16th, NAP organizes a theme meeting at the Science Park in Utrecht together with TNO as part of the kick-off of the new Special Interest Group (SIG) Circularity. NAP aims to bring parties together in this SIG to jointly explore the challenges and the possibilities that circularity offers. The meeting in Utrecht zooms in on the themes of Critical Materials and re-manufacturing.

During the event there are exciting presentations by Luc Kikkert and Sam Helmer. And there will be ample time for discussion among participants.

The meeting starts at 12:30 with a lunch buffet. The first presentation starts at 13:00. During the meeting there is the option to participate in a tour through the TNO facilities in the domain of circularity. The day will end with networking drinks around 17:00.

Venue and registration:

The meeting takes place at the TNO/Vening-Meinesz building, Princetonlaan 6 at the Science Park in Utrecht. The Science Park can be conveniently reached by public transportation. One-day permits for parking are available at the reception of the TNO building. You are requested to indicate your interest in the SIG Circularity and to register at before March 21st. Please also indicate whether you would like to join the tour.


Summary presentations:

The presentation of Luc Kikkert focusses on the various aspects of critical materials. Prices of and reliable access to raw materials are of growing concern. Circular use of materials plays a key role in this. For many critical materials we need to find answers to the geopolitical challenges throughout the supply chain. The key factors are the availability of critical materials, the consequences of technological developments downstream, and the impacts of (inter)national policy making.

Sam Helmer will give a presentation on remanufacturing. European legislation is more and more enforcing the Circular Economy. To comply with the Carbon Border Adjustment Act and the Critical Materials Act in 2026 companies will have to share product passport data across company borders in their entire supply chain as well as to European tax authorities. This will drive companies towards repairing/refurbishing/remanufacturing their existing products, and towards implementing these new processes in their existing ERP systems.


luc kikkr

Luc Kikkert (TNO Circularity) provided the basis for Auping's fully circular bed, allowing chain partners to work together on sustainability goals. He now orchestrates cluster relationships between companies, connects startups to knowledge and capital and creates opportunities for innovations in critical raw materials. Luc Kikkert represents TNO as secretary of the Topteam Chemistry, plays a key role in the Knowledge and Innovation Agenda for the Circular Economy (KIA CE) and is a board member of the Materials Innovation Institute (M2I). Recently, he has secured a National Growfund Project for materials independence for batteries and was one of the initiators of the Knowledge Agenda Strategic Autonomy for Raw Materials.

sam helmer

Sam Helmer (TNO High Tech Industry) focusses on strengthening the Dutch Manufacturing Industry to create more internationally competitive production in the Netherlands. For this he has built the Smart Industry consortium of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Dutch Employers Association (VNO), the Dutch federations of the technological industry (FME and Metaalunie), the Dutch chamber of Commerce (KvK), all Regional development agencies (ROMs) and TNO. He was projectmanager of the "Smart Industry" Action Agenda that was presented to the Dutch government. Sam is currently working on shaping this National Action Agenda via several public-private partnerships that put innovative production in the Netherlands from theory into practice.


We are looking forward to meet you at the kick-off of the new Special Interest Group (SIG) Circularity!


Kind regards,


Esther Faber



Stichting NAP

P.O. Box 1058


Tel.: 033 - 247 34 60




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