
NAP is een netwerk van bedrijven in de procesindustrie en stelt zich tot doel de waardeketen, bestaande uit plant owners, ingenieursbureaus en toeleveranciers te versterken.

SIG Energy Transition

The special interest group (SIG) Energy Transition is a platform within NAP that promotes and exchanges learning, identifying trends, developments and policy in the field of the Energy Transition.

This is facilitated by means of the following:

  • Three to four times a year the group comes together to share and discuss best practices including new industry trends.
  • Organize case studies, workshops, peer reviews and sharing experiences.
  • Guest speakers and visitors on a variety of topics.
  • Facilitate the exchange of learnings between the members and develop a network of professionals working in this area.

 The SIG ET charter can be downloaded here (hyperlink Email  TO attachment).

 About the SIG

In 2023 the SIG on sustainability was reinitiated and became more focused to form a SIG on circular materials and this SIG related to the Energy Transition. The transition to a lower carbon footprint is a key challenge for nearly any company in the Dutch (process) industry. 

The intention of this SIG is not to replicate knowledge or build a database of practises that is already available through other sources, but to create a network of practitioners working on a similar topic who can learn from each other and exchange insights and ideas. To achieve this, the meetings will often be scheduled at the location of a participating organisation from NAP and include a local tour to explain the efforts of the specific organisation in their transition journey.

The working language of this SIG will be English.

The SIG Energy Transition will focus on amongst others on the following topics:

  • Electrification: Projects and challenges for existing installations; smart grids, storage and balancing; Electrolyser testing and development; Fuel Cells.
  • Decarbonisation by optimising current processes
  • Molecules: Ammonia and Hydrogen
  • Heat: Limitations and opportunities of large scale Heat Pumps; opportunities of geothermic
  • Integration and partnering: Energy transition scenarios, legislation in the Netherlands and Europe, Business cases, exchange between companies by integrated processes, the psychology of the energy transition



Programme & More

Programme 2024:

  • Visit DSM Delft, presentation water treatment facility upgrade, framing the new SIG
  • Visit ETCA Amsterdam, round tour energy transition lab, presentations on decarbonisation
  • Visit RDHV office Amersfoort


Articles related to the ET SIG including all other NAP publications can be found at the NAP digital library “Kennisbank” (hyperlink to:

Articles/background documents

All articles related to Energy Transition or the SIG can also be found on the Kennisbank of NAP


If you like to know about the SIG Energie Transition, please contact chair of this SIG: Edward Pfeiffer: Email (RHDHV), vice-chair Melanie Noorlander: Email (Bilfinger Tebodin) or NAP secretarial: Email. Phonenumber NAP secretarial: 033 - 247 34 54.

The following representatives are part of this SIG:
Edward Pfeiffer (RHDHV)
Melanie Noorlander (Tebodin)
Jurriaan Boon (TNO)
Martin Borsje (DSM Firmenich)
Michel van der Stelt (Hogeschool Utrecht)
Eelco Linnert (Hofstadter)
Rob van der Heijden (Shell)
Edwin Muller (Shell)
Jack Doomernik (Stork)
Marco Betting (Gasunie)
Serdar Erdag (KH Engineering)
Donald Roles (KH Engineering)
Maija Saric (TNO)
Corne Groen (Vicoma)
Sebastiaan Karreman (Shell)
Marc Steigenga (KH Engineering, namens NAP bestuur)

NAP draagt bij aan de versterking van de totale keten in technologisch, organisatorisch en maatschappelijk opzicht.


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