NAP is a network of companies in the process industry and aims to strengthen the value chain, consisting of plant owners, engineering firms and suppliers.

Process Management

The special interest group (SIG) project management is a platform within NAP that promotes and exchanges learning, identifying trends, developments and policy in the field of Project Management.

This is facilitated by means of the following:

  • Four times a year the group comes together to share and discuss best practices including new industry trends.
  • Organize case studies, workshops, peer reviews and sharing experiences.
  • Guest speakers and visitors on a variety of topics.
  • Facilitate the exchange of learnings between the members and develop a network of project professionals.


The SIG PM charter can be downloaded here: Charter.


SIG PM groepsfoto

About the SIG

In 2023 the SIG was reinitiated by a new group of project enthusiasts and consists of 15 project professionals from different industries. One of the first actions was the use of the English Language to promote and include non-Dutch speaking professionals. Each SIG meeting will be hosted at a different location with an occasional site-visit. Besides this
The SIG has a close cooperation with the Managing Engineering Projects (MEP) chair of TU Delft, led by Professor Hans Bakker.

The SIG Project Management will focus on amongst others on the following topics:

    • Project management
      • (International) resources and expats, development of project professionals, virtual project management.
      • Permitting - especially for new innovative sustainable projects.
      • Project governance, stakeholder management, project investment/funding.
      • (Risk) management of novel technologies
    • Contracting & Procurement
      • Contract Strategies, contract management and early involvement of engineering companies, construction companies  and suppliers
      • Owners specs & standards
      • Owner, engineers, construction companies and supplier roles.
      • Local vs global supply chain
    • Value management
      • Continuous improvement including Lean Engineering and agile




Presentation Marco Buijnsters BSc MBA, “The Projects Factory” Presentation download

Presentation Martin van Dijkhuizen over on-site en off-site binnen de woningbouw Presentation download

Presentation KH-Engineering Presentation download

Presentation Shell Moerdijk Presentation download

Presentation Albert Paardekam, at Fluor Consultants Presentation download

Presentations Industrial User Panel - Nov 15th 2023 Presentation page & download


Articles related to the PM SIG including all other NAP publications can be found at the NAP digital library “Kennisbank” Kennisbank

  • IPMA: International Project Management Association
  • ECI: European Construction Institute
  • DACE: hèt kennisnetwerk van Cost Engineers en Value Managers in het Nederlandse taalgebied 



If you like to know about the SIG Project Management, please contact chair of this SIG: Daphne van Westen: Email(TATA Steel), vice-chair Bart Hummelink: Email(Fluor) or NAP secretarial: Email. Phonenumber NAP secretarial: 033 - 247 34 60.

The following representatives are part of this SIG:

Bilfinger, Erik Eppinga
DSM-Firmenich, Joris Wouters
Fluor, Bart Hummelink
Gasunie, Merijn Zuidgeest, Bert Stouwie
KH Engineering, Arno Coops, Jack van Vliet
McDermott, Rik Scheffers
Shell, Andre Hugo, Mark de Haas, Marije Hoedemaker
Stork, Jascha Zwaving
Tata Steel, Daphne van Westen
Worley, Ton Jansen, Vahid Vakili, Marcel van der Wal
Prof.dr. Hans Bakker

NAP draagt bij aan de versterking van de totale keten in technologisch, organisatorisch en maatschappelijk opzicht.


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